Imaginary Journeys

Imaginary Journeys

Imaginary Journeys was set up by storyteller, musician, writer and workshop leader Rob Parkinson with the aim of educating and informing on positive uses of imagination as well as providing pure imaginative fun.



We run courses with Rob and other specialist speakers and workshop leaders, provide in-house training for a wide variety of professionals and for the general public.

rob and drum


We give information about Rob Parkinson’s performances and workshops for both children and adults. Please contact us directly to discuss possibilities with Rob.
Transforming Tales and Powerful Stories


We also publish Natural Storytellers, Rob’s series of booklets containing fun techniques for developing storytelling skills and controlled imagination, as well as various CDs for adults for both adults and children.
Mosque and shadow

Guided Imagination

Amongst our CDs, Imagine On has been much praised for its usefulness for adults who want to relax, focus and develop useful imagining skills. It’s the first of a series of guided imagination recordings for personal development, which will be available soon as audio downloads. These will include an exciting new relaxing, focusing and imagining CD and download specifically for children.
Our interests very much include the cross-over between fun imaginative techniques and ‘serious’ areas such as counselling, therapy and education.

Publishing Plans

Our future publishing plans include further booklets, books. e-books and audio on aspects of story telling, writing and imagining skill. We hope you’ll enjoy the journey!